19. Clearing energy blockage with ibogaine
I would like to share my iBogaine experience after contacting ibogaine thailand via the internet. I started talking with Sasha and exchange emails, followed by screenings and video call before I was accepted to the program. The first day when I had arrived, I've met Sasha and his wife Fibbi and they explained step by step the process,and next day morning we start as I take the medicine and I stayed around 24 to 30 hours in my bed. The medicine was working on my body as I had felt that the energy that was stuck in my left abdominal had moved during the process. Sasha and Fibbi was present with me through out my journey and they took good care of me. It took me around 3 to 4 days to completely recover physically and I’m incredibly pleased with iBogaine Thailand as they were very professional and honest people. Sasha has helped me to integrate my experiences post iBogaine and I still turn to Sasha for his advise post ibogaine from time to time when I needed someone. He is really great person and if you are looking for professional and honest people to work with for you during your iBogaine experience I really highly recommend you iBogaine Thailand. Thank you :)