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7. Finally, An Answer To Resolve My Opiate Addiction After Many Years Of Seeking In Vain!

I have had the burden of addiction perhaps since the first time I used my first mind altering substance at the age of ten. This cycle of addiction culminated into a heroin addiction that I have been battling for the past 16 years with intervals of abstinence, but no real peace of mind. I've gone through the cycle familiar to most long term opiate addicts of detox/abstinence repeatedly, never finding a method that worked well and/or had a significant impact in terms of a psychic change. I've tried many replacement therapies such as suboxone and methadone. These so called therapies only left me in a more troubled state mentally and physically with a worse addition with more pronounced symptoms of withdrawal. I tried everything that mainstream medicine and conventional therapy had to offer and I found no real solution that worked for me.


I heard of Ibogaine some years ago when I came across an interview of a man who claimed it solved his long time opiate addiction. After this last relapse I felt totally hopeless and desperate. I started to research Ibogaine therapy in depth. Next, I researched different facilities and decided to contact Ibogaine Thailand. I corresponded with Sasha for about a month prior to treatment asking questions and working out the details. We also had phone interview and he answered every question I had about the therapy itself and shared some of his personal experience with Ibogaine . This was all reassuring. 

When I arrived in Thailand I completed the medical testing which is standard protocol for Ibogaine therapy. Then I went to the location where the the therapy was to be conducted. Sasha met with me and we went over the session procedure again.He answered some more of my questions and calmed some of my anxieties in regards to the the therapy. I must say that Ibogaine Thailand prepares the individual as much as possible pre-treatment wise which was very important to me.


We commenced therapy the follow evening. I was in a state of withdrawal at this point which is the optimal time to start. He explained the contents and amounts contained in my medication. Since my main intention was to detox, the content of my dose was primarily Ibogaine HCL. They put a blood pressure cuff on my wrist to monitor my blood pressure every 30 minutes and reassured me they would be there with me every step of the way which really made me feel safe and secure. I covered my eyes and relaxed as much as possible, set an intent as to what I wanted to get out of the session and did my best to remain open to whatever was put before me. At the onset of the effects I remember a stern compassionate voice pervading me saying that the root of my problem was anger and through various visions I saw how that manifested in my life. I also vomited a fair amount which not only seemed to be a purging of the toxic chemicals in my physical body, but of the toxic emotions that burdened my mind and soul! Honestly, that is pretty much all I remember from the session itself. The most important effect Ibogaine had on me was post-treatment. 


The following 24 hours after the session were a bit rough as they told me it would be. I was mentally and physically exhausted. Things started to change for me significantly in the next 48 hours, its as if the worm had turned so to say. Firstly, I felt 90% detoxed from the opiates. This in itself is a miracle to me, and trust me , I have vast experience detoxing from opiates! Usually opiate detox is a month of hell! Vomiting, muscle cramps, depression, anxiety of the worst sort and roughly a month of insomnia. I also started to feel a certain brightness within that I can't fully explain. My perceptions and attitude toward life had changed for the better and with no real conscience effort. My fears and anger had significantly faded and I felt I had some purpose and direction in life as well as an inner source of strength! As Sasha said, Ibogaine is not a magic bullet, not a cure. But from my standpoint I see it as a gift, catalyst, teacher that opens ones eyes and gives insight. It allowed me to tap an inner resource that is profoundly helpful and useful. In my opinion, that is the ultimate goal of any therapy and what I've been seeking. The rest is up to me to develop upon. I also want to add that I stayed in the area for an additional week after treatment which I would highly reccommend. I took some time to reflect and meditate upon my experience. Sasha visited with me and introduced me to some other alternative therapies that were helpful (at no expense) and answered any questions I had. I believe he really cares about his clients and what he does and consider him a friend.


In summation, I am incredibly pleased with Ibogaine Thailand. They were professional, courteous, honest and most helpful. I'm really happy that we have people in the world who are willing to direct there efforts to help people like myself. If you have thought well about Ibogaine therapy and decided it may be right for you, I would highly recommend Ibogaine Thailand!

By Peter From USA, April 2016

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