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2. A Chronic Pain Patient Diary: The Ibogaine Experience.

A couple of years ago, after numerous alternative and mainstream attempts at solving chronic back pain I'd been dealing with for years, I finally realized nothing was working and decided to go ahead with spinal surgery. The surgery went well and afterwards I was put on Tramadol for pain. Successive periodic doctor visits over the next eighteen months showed improvement, but because there was residual pain, Tramadol was continually prescribed to manage it. I was becoming increasingly disturbed. 


I hated the dependance on a pain medication. Even more seriously, I was finding the medication was changing the way I reacted to things. I found I was increasingly discontent, irritated at everything and unable to appreciate people in my life the way I wished. However, I found to my dismay that now I could not stop.


After several failed attempts to taper off, I did some research and subsequently reached out to IbogaineThailand. I had read articles indicating benefits of the treatment with opioid addiction, and while the pain medication I was on was synthetic - not an opiate, it behaved like one. I made contact with Sasha. His approach was educated and clear. He put a lot of attention on determining if ibogaine is the right treatment. He was rigorous about following protocols for safety. Our exchanges were uncomplicated. 


The treatment was set for several weeks out. Prior to the actual treatment I followed Sasha's thorough suggestions regarding diet and preparation. I arrived at the setting for treatment and Sasha offered a supportive experience.


The treatment itself was just as described on their website. The treatment is not easy but it worked. It's been nearly five weeks since treatment and while I have been dealing with the re-emergence of significant back pain, I have not had a single - even momentary desire to take Tramadol. I have my faculties back. I can think. I can once again love the people around me much more robustly.

By Robert From Singapore, July 2015

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